like the Adelaide Fringe

  Adelaide Fringe is an annual open-access arts festival run over four weeks in Adelaide, South Australia during February and March. Unlike a curated festival, the open-access nature of Adelaide Fringe means that anyone with a show, exhibition or cultural event is able to register and be part of Australia’s […]

like Bike Powered Coffee Grinders

Dan Hill and Dave Buonaguidi, British ad guys, noticed something that no one had ever noticed before, namely that young city-dwellers with disposable income — oh, fine, we’ll call them hipsters — like bikes and like coffee. “There’s a clear, often mustachioed, overlap between those who love great coffee and […]

like to read Malcontent

  Week Day Computer Geek, Weekend Cabaret Club Door Man, Ex Restaurateur, Bad Actor and even worse Blogger

recommend La Boheme Bar

Adelaide’s premier cocktail and cabaret bar, just a step from the street in the heart of Adelaide. Immerse yourself in the ambiance of a turn of the century Parisian Salon de Cocktail. Be guided through our specialised drinks selection by our friendly staff, who will rustle up a little cheese […]

recommend Saturday Night Soirée

Saturday Night Soirée is the hottest new cabaret sensation. It’s a wild party, where the beautiful and the damned meet, play and lose their way in a heady cocktail of music, burlesque, comedy, passion and pathos. This is the new cabaret. The old rules no longer apply.