USB old school typewriters

Turn your vintage typewriter into a USB or Bluetooth connected keyboard usable with Tablets and Computers. kits are available for many mechanical typewriters, vintage and more modern as well.  they can be purchased from here and full install instructions here. Compatible  models can be found here.

The Bar10der – Vintage Oak Edition

If you want to be the perfect modern rogue, you need the ability to mix any drink. She asks for a drink, what’re you gonna do? Get her a lukewarm PBR from a floating keg? Are you gonna grab a red solo cup and pour equal parts margarita mix and […]

like hipster christmas beard displays

You thought beard baubles were a festive trend too far… Now hipsters are making their facial hair Christmassy with elaborate robins’ nests, icicles and candy canes! from the UK Daily Mail comes the following  

The Maths behind Hipsters all looking alike

Jonathan Touboul, a mathematical neuroscientist at the Collège de France in Paris, has developed a mathematical equation that purports to explain why hipsters trying to look different from one another end up doing the exact opposite. have a link here

Like flower crowns for beards

Elite Daily has a hipster story about flower beards:   “Women love flowers. Women love beards. So what woman wouldn’t love a beard of flowers?   Hopping on, or imitating (one can never tell these days) the trend of flower crowns, men have taken up flower beards. A way for […]

like beards shaped like animals

Huffington Post has an article about hipsters with beards shaped like animals, it turns out it’s part of an advertising campaign by Schick a shaver company from New Zealand. “The photos are part of New Zealand shaver brand Schick’s #FreeYourSkin campaign, which encourages men to hack away at their excessive […]

like the Apple Macintosh

30 years go in 1984 Apple launched the Macintosh, the favourite computer of 9 out of 10 hipsters. the following video is Steve Jobs introducing the “insanely great”  Macintosh.

like Walking the Room

Walking the Room is a comedy podcast hosted by American comedians Greg Behrendt and Dave Anthony. The free, hour-long weekly show debuted via web and iTunes on May 24, 2010, and is recorded in Behrendt’s closet in Los Angeles, California. Each episode is broken into three segments that typically involve […]

like electricity generating bicycle desks

Does one of your colleagues have a standing desk? Maybe even a treadmill desk? Do they talk about how it’s adding years to their life, enhancing both productivity and the richness and clarity if their skin? Do they ask you about how uncomfortable it must be to sit all day? […]

dislike Cory Bernardi

Facebook and twitter are full of discussions about Senator Cory Bernardi’s latest book, Amazon’s reviews are an interesting read.   as Clementine Ford said: There comes a time in every Australian’s life when they must ponder the following query: “Was Senator Cory Bernardi birthed from a sentient human woman, or […]